For years I went through life not knowing what true love was until I accidentally fell in love with someone in 2018. It was the type of situation where I wasn't looking for anyone but found someone I had an immediate attraction to from the moment I said hello. Due to our distance and living different lives, we couldn't actually make it work. After years have gone by isn't it crazy when I think about him constantly I suddenly get a notification from him.
The fact you can

actually feel and know what another person is feeling or thinking about you miles away.
That is some freaky ish right? I started to do my research. I wanted to know what this connection was that we had with one another. I came across the terms soulmate and twin flame love. I knew that every other guy I thought I loved before wasn't real. The connection was electrifying. It felt as if we met before and we found each other again. You may be thinking well if that is the case why are you not with him? What I have learned about these connections is that sometimes you meet your twin flame or soulmates and timing isn't right. Let us get into the difference and how I determined what we had.
The term soulmates is probably a term you have heard before right? A soulmate is someone you share a deep natural emotional connection with. It can sometimes be family or friends but in this case, we are talking romantically. When you have found your soulmate it feels like home. Meaning you feel completely comfortable being yourself with them all the time. Never uncomfortable or awkward. We all are souls who live on this earth and some of us encounter one another and feel complete. Your soulmate just being in your life makes you want to be a better person and inspires you in all aspects of your life. The soulmates that come in your life help us evolve into our best selves. Please don't think I am saying soulmates will come into your life and you will be together forever. Their entrance into your life is memorable and leaves a lasting impression on your life. We all have soulmates but do we all have a twin flame?
Unfourtaunaly we all do not have a twin flame. Does that mean something is wrong with you? No, it doesn't. Twinflames' purpose in life is much bigger than the idea of a soulmate and doesn't always mean romantically. Let us get into the real deal with twin flames.
Twin flames are two people whose bodies were split but they share the same soul. To better explain it, think of your soulmate times two with a cherry on top. The sad part of having a twin flame is you have only one. You and your twin flame come into each other's life to teach each other lessons that the other needs. Most cases when the twin flames come into each other lives and the lesson is complete it doesn't guarantee you a lifetime with them. Most situations I have heard of people who have encountered a twin flame that tends to end with heartbreak but it provides growth. See soulmates complete you, twin flame love is like a coach pushing you to be better. It is probably intense, and emotional. Healing in anything is never easy so this love encounter won't be easy. Knowing you found your twin flame is normally found out once the lesson is complete. What attracts you to your twin flame is an intense emotional connection of feeling familiar with someone. It's like waking up looking in the mirror and you recognize this person because it's you. If you have ever had a twin flame connection lets just say you're lucky and blessed because the universe brought you two together. This love connection forces you and the other person to complete the lesson no matter how hard you try to fight it.
" Soulmate or Twinflame "
You may be thinking how will I know? This is when you have to use your intuition to study the connection you had with someone. Do your research, talk to others who have encountered both or talk to a spiritual advisor. How I determined my love with this guy was observing how our relationship started and after we parted ways. At first, before I knew the difference between a soulmate and twin flame have I thought we were soulmates. Today in 2020 I know for a fact we were twin flames. I know this now because the lesson was complete. We both felt so attached at the moment we said hello. I still remember the electrifying feeling of our first phone conversation. We both had trust issues and we both never had the type of love from someone where we felt loved back. In our situation, we both loved one another deeply. The lesson we both learned was LOVE IS REAL. We both had been in situations before where love was questionable. I now know what love feels like. I now know what love is. He knows what love is. Because our lives and having daughters living on the west coast and east coast made it difficult to be together. Our souls are one because some nights when I have a hard time sleeping I know he is somewhere in deep thought thinking about me. To understand what I mean you would have had to feel this feeling. Our souls are fighting to be together that is why as we date other people we seem to always have difficulty because our souls want each other. But that doesn't mean you have to be with your twin flame. In my case life has to go on.
You have many soulmates you will encounter in life who can complete you as well.
As I end this post please never allow yourself to be stuck in a toxic relationship with as a**hole because you think its a twin flame connection. There is a lesson in this and it is positive. If someone purposely hurts you or cheats, or abuses you that is not a soul mate or twin flame love that is just toxic.