Can you be a naughty girl and be about your business? Let's face it, work has become the newest way of meeting guys besides Instagram. You work between 8-12 hours a day seeing the same people. Attraction is strong, if they see something they like they will pursue.
I have always worked in a office setting. Personally I'm lazy as hell and I prefer to sit down in the air conditioning. I have noticed over the years that in most office environments somebody is hooking up. I don't technically mean hooking up but you get the point.
In 2018 it is very common to have companies have a NO DATING IN THE WORKPLACE POLICY. An office relationship can lead to charges of sexual harassment if things ended badly. Don't think because you're a woman a man couldn't be petty like that. Remember men get scorned too. Truthfully between us, allot of men can't handle hookups and being ignored. It also could cause outside drama brought into the workplace if someone is married. Just 2 weeks ago the company I work for was put on lock down. Apparently someone was having a affair with another employee and his wife found out and came ready to whoop ass..
Workplace romance has it's pros and cons. I have met couples who've met at the job and are married, still working together. Then I have met people who have tried dating people only for things to end and turn bad. Look I understand you may see someone you want, don't let me stop you, but let me help you in determining if that's the right decision. Let's begin with cons. 

- People are nosey. Let's face it the biggest flaw amongst people is them not minding their own business. You don't want everyone in the office knowing your business. The last thing you want is co workers knowing who you're hooking up with after work.
- Violating company policy. Its been a while since I have seen a company NOT have rules on workplace romance. There have been cases where people were fired for not following the rules. Do you really want to lose income and processional reputations just to date someone.
- Drama could quickly abrupt at your job if the relationship ends bad. The tension in the office will be sharp as a knife. Don't bring bullshit to your place of work because it will stink up the place. There is a luxury of ending a relationship and never having to see them again. But in the workplace you still have to see them..
- Distraction. Having them at your job could be a distraction. Them constantly emailing you, or stopping by your desk could get in the way of your job. Plus the nervousness of your managers finding out can becoming nerve bottling.

- Having someone who understands a long day of hard work. The pros would be having someone to discuss work with. They may van even help you get better and your job. To keep it real, if you are dealing with the right person it could help advance your career. It could be a great opportunity for you. Love and promotion.
- If you are dating someone at your job, why wonder what they are doing when you have front row seats. If you find yourself in a workplace romance you can keep a eye on your man better since he's in the same building.
- If you are having car problems you have someone to ride with.
4. You get to see them every day if you are that clingy type that doesn't mind that.
5. Work becomes fun. Going to working seeing someone you like can give you butterflies. Could become a little naughty scandal if you two are intimate.
I would suggest not dealing with anyone at your job especially in same department. If you can't help your self don't tell anyone. Remember work is work. Just because you have work buddies doesn't mean they will be loyal.