Hello everyone. It is now 8:25 p.m eastern time on December 30, 2017 as I write this.… One more day in 2017. Have you looked back and reflected on how this year as a whole turned out? I did and I truly must say as a whole this wasn't a good year. Between the violent mass murders, police brutality, weather catastrophic, this was a rough year. One thing I do hope is 2018 brings us more peace and love.
I am not going to make my resolutions for 2018 just to not do it. That's the thing people don't actually think things throughout. I look at new years resolution as goals. I feel like saying resolutions sounds good but in reality there are things people put on their list knowing damn well it won't be done. You may work out, for a week or two. Or the ones who say they're going to start going to church every Sunday. You see them 1st Sunday and never again.
My resolutions are goals. Things I know I will do, because it will help benefit me. Check out my 5 goals. Next year around this time the goal is to come back and hope I got them all completed.

The first goal of mines for 2018 is to take some hosting classes. One way I would like to expand my brand is by interviewing and hosting. I would like to learn more about that field, before I actually go out there and do it.

I have a major fear if heights. No joke.. Going to the mall and riding the escalators freaks me out. Because of my fears I have never been on a airplane before. This is one goal I must force myself to do. A great opportunity may come up and I can't allow my fear of heights to stop me.

Third is to get my articles featured in other publications. I always wanted to be a guess writer for Essence Magazine. I will truly be submitting more submissions into them on topics hoping one catches the editors attention. But to get Kayla Got The 411 as the author throughout many publications is the mission.

Networking. It's hard to talk to others who aren't in my field or understand my passion of writing and my newest podcast. People who don't think like you won't get it. I will be going to many network events in 2018 to meet women like myself who have business goals they're trying to achieve. When women put their power together we do a lot of great things. Plus I am fun, outgoing, and know what I want. I need to be around others like myself.

Focusing on my family. Recently I saw my father who I haven't seen in years. I don't know him, and he doesn't know who I am which is sad. Meaning, we have no idea each others personailty. I want to put effort into getting to know him. Maybe that way all the questions I have can be answered. I want to do more family activities with my mother and daughter. My daughter and I always do fun events. But I want to get my mother to join us. These times are precious and I don't want to take it for granted.
Happy New Year Dolls. Thank you to ever subscriber, and person who comes to read my post. The views, and shares this year were amazing. I was sometimes shocked. I'm happy to share my experiences. I am no expert. I am just a girl with a passion for writing who shares her experiences. If I can make you laugh, smile , or say yassss at least once, I have accomplished what I wanted. Be safe, be brave, be bold see you next year.