Happy holidays to you all. I hope you have been keeping up with my podcast episodes. This 4th episode is perfect timing for the holidays. You may be meeting your guys family for the first time, or spending the holidays with him and his family. Dealing with your man's family can either be amazing or a train wreck.
Sometimes you're just straight out of patience dealing with his family. Trust me I have experienced my share. You know you have had enough when you find yourself in the bedroom away from his family because you are minutes away from letting somebody have it.
Look I know you want to make a good impression. It is important to your man that you as his girlfriend or fiance get along with his family. No matter what they throw your way. Trust not every family member will be a pain, but you may have one that is really pushing it and asking to get slapped.
Men are sometimes blind to the disrespect their family members do. They feel like it's just their way of messing with you, and drilling you. But he needs to understand...this is not damn boot camp. You are his woman, they have to accept that you are his woman. Their favorite line is " DO NT BE SO OFFENSIVE, YOU JUST HAVE TO GET TO KNOW THEM"
See those smart comments, and interrogations can hit a nerve, especially if you're the new girlfriend. Shade is shade. Joking is one thing, but if you feel shade, block it.
When your guy brings you around his family it can either go two ways. Either the last chick he was dating was so awful they are delighted to have you in his life.
They loved his ex so much they think you are just a waste of his time and a waste of their time and they want no parts of you girl.
Beware if he has sisters. I always felt brothers were easier to deal with. Men don't get into their brothers love life much, unless they feel like you're a gold digger. Majority of the time the sisters are known to give their brothers girlfriends a hard time.
If you feel like the smart remarks and other things you are dealing with his family are becoming a bit much talk to your man. Remember this is his family. Most men are in denial about their damn family and the uncomfortable vibes the girlfriends go though. So tell him how you feel but watch your words. Saying the wrong thing could jeopardize your relationship. If he ignores you it's your decision to deal with the disrespect or walk away. Thinking that marriage or baby will help them accept you doesn't always work. Be cool, breath, walk away if a family member tries you. You don't want to be next year's holiday topic when he brings his new girlfriend.