Chicago activist Andrew Holmes said that surveillance video from a Rosemont hotel shows Kenneka Jenkins entering a walk-in freezer alone.
The mother did ask the hotel staff to please look for her daughter when she showed up Sept 10 at 4:00 a.m. Kenneka body was not found until 24 hours later. After a media frenzy of what we all thought was true, so far seems to be showing that the people in the video weren't %100 responsible.
He said the video showed her in the lobby of the Crowne Plaza Hotel after her friends apparently went up to the room in which they had been partying to retrieve some possessions. Jenkins then takes the elevator to a lower level and wanders around, opening doors in an apparently disoriented manner. She then pens two doors in a kitchen area and walked in the freezer. Doors closing behind her.
Now the authospy report has not came back. But now we do know she wasn't forced into the freezer. I just hope we get to what and why so the family can have some peace.
_______________________________First off I would like to say R. I. P to this beautiful young girl. Her story is tragic it's recent but it's my duty to use my platform to spread her story and hopefully get people aware.
19-year-old Kenneka Jenkins was found dead inside a walk-in freezer at a Crowne Plaza hotel, on Sunday Sept 10. It was brought to her families attention that she went missing from a hotel party. It is allegedly believed she was set up by friends. No confessions so far but social media rumors have started. After I explain what I read and video evidence of her "fake friends" and strange men on Facebook live you will see the conspiracy where this was no accident.
(Please watch this video a few times before continuing her story. Then after come back watch it again and think about this entire scenario)
Police are telling her mother that she supposedly let herself inside the freezer 🤔. Now she was attending a hotel party with friends but her so called friends supposedly lost track of her at the hotel on the 9th floor. She was found dead in a walk in freezer. Oh and the friends even had Kennekas cellphone and keys and posession of her car. Kenneka told her family she was going out with friends.
So she went missing, and left her phone, keys, and car? Strange!🤔
Keep reading. They later called her mother at 4:00 a.m. Saturday to claim they lost track of her so her mother rushed to the hotel to look for her daughter. She gets there the hotel staff says they need a missing persons report before they can search the premises. That's understandable but for a mother you don't care about that. Hours go by and Kenneka family are at the hotel banging on doors of guests in panic needing answers on what happen to Kenneka. The hotel staff later called authorities because the family demanded answers which they had every right to.
Her family and myself are questioning the friends story. Apparently they can't get their story straight.
The hotel staff says the freezer had no food in it but was turned on cold. No guest should of been near it because due to construction the hotel was having the area was closed, but these so call friends claim she left her keys and phone and disappeared in the hall way. Her family had no idea about a hotel party also.
The friends were on Facebook live where you saw them in the hotel room, music loud with strange men. No Kenneka in sight. In the video you can hear someone say at 2:03 minutes "they in there raping her". The girl with the glasses says "told y'all." Now forward to around 3:00-3:08 minutes you can hear someone say "Help Me."
It is believed that the guy raped her and Kenneka was trying to call for help, but when you are with fake, jealous friends the poor girl had no chance. They weren't going to help her but contribute to harm her. Before the music got louder you can hear a cry out.
I noticed along with others a reflection in the girls glasses. I see one man in a red shirt, and there seems to be another man in the room.
I will keep adding more info to this post. Share, repost tell everyone. Chicago police need to solve this case quickly. Send this video to everyone so we can help get justice for Kenneka. We got you baby girl.