Have you ever heard the saying "Karma's A B*tch before? What goes around comes around is a saying people use that means what negativity you put out will come back to you. I am not a scientist or psychology major at all. I do believe Karma is possible just from my own experiences and watching others. A great example would be stealing money from someone only to lose it right after. That is what I consider karma. You steal from someone and then someone steals from you. Karma is strong and normally it will catch up to you.
There are women who sleep with married men or taken men and have no care in the world or remorse. They think it's a game and it's funny until it hits them. Karma Is A Big B*tch. So always remember you lose them how you get them.
"I remember at age 20 I was in a 4 year relationship age 17-20. I remember basically finding out he was cheating but he didn't care if I found out this time. This wasn’t the 1st time he cheated. I allowed him to cheat and talk his way to forgiveness multiple times . It was so bad I would even argue with his sidechicks back and fourth on social media . I would find him on dating apps where he would actually meet up with these women. He had a serious problem. Can you believe I had to put a parental lock on my labtop so he wouldn’t use my labtop to cheat? I was pregnant at the time and I had a miserable pregnancy. I cried many nights, and was depressed. I basically felt so betrayed and harassed by the girl he cheated with. Being pregnant you can't defend yourself much. I kept alot of it to myself and didn't tell friends or family. Whats interesting, she thought she was popping because she supposedly took my man. I can recall her saying "He Love Me Bitch". 2 years after that breakup I got a message on Facebook of her apologizing for what she did and how everything he put me through, he was putting her through. "
I don't wish harm to anyone and ladies you should not neither. But remember to pray, stay positive and let Karma take care your battles. I understand too that Karma takes to long sometimes lol. You may want to seek revenge on the people who did you wrong yourself. But trust me girls, Negative, evil people always get a taste of their own medicine. Stay beautiful, stay strong and keep it pushing.
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