As girls we have that ex who we always fall back in their arms. When we know deep down he is a ex for a reason. But men are very smart and sneaky on their plot to get us back.

I use to have a ex who always would let me know he was in town but would do so after 11pm. Now men who have dated us probably know our weakness. Now my weakness is Sex & Food lol. Now I had to put on my thinking hat a ask myself. "Girl, why come he over here the next morning, when you hated him yesterday"? If he texts me at 1pm in the afternoon he knew I would not entertain him. But if he hit me up at 1 a.m when I am half asleep and was hearing his deep sexy New Orleans accent on my phone line, I might give in. Which I always did for a while. Until I said Ohhhhhh no! I had "DO NOT ANSWER" as his name, but also blocked him. He would leave crazy voice mails but it helped.

Girl do not feel bad. As women we are soft, and sweet. But it only takes that 1 who you will always have a special place in your heart for. But don't let him suck you back in when you left him for a reason. When you wake up the next morning you are going to feel bad all over again for allowing him to get the best of you. Block him, change your number do what you have to do. I can almost promise you the only reason he is hitting you up is because someone else is unavailable. So be strong and "DON'T ANSWER".

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