Im Just Saying You Can Do Better

Do you ever look back on past relationships and think, "Damn I could of did better"? You just know you deserve so much more and better. I can not count how many women go through this when dealing with a guy she no longer wants

Sometimes we stay because we don't know exactly how and what to say. You can't just say " I can do better than you." Or maybe you can.

Its your heart, you have to look out for yourself. Truth is, no one will have your best interest more than yourself.

Oh so you aren't happy? Leave that relationship. Nothing irks me more than a motherfucker staying in a relationship they are not happy in. Release yourself. Yes they may be mad, but oh well as long as you are happy.

Your partners sex isn't great? Leave. If you are going to spend your entire life with a person, make sure their sex is A1.

No goals, no ambition. If you feel like they are not doing anything with their life you have to move on to better. Be with a person you can grow with. Not a person who takes you backwards. You are suppose to grow. Don't let no more hold you back. Its okay to think you can do better. You know what you want, so go for it.

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