Womans Intuition

Being a woman is like being a superhero. We got the type of power men just dont have. That is "Womens Intuition". Every woman has it, but if you dont use it for your advantage it has no use. 

I would probably be with my ex who I dated for 4 years if it wasnt for my womans intuition.  5 years ago I had a dream one night he was telling a girl he loved her. I woke up in tears. I called him 6am asking is there someone else. He replied, "NO". After I looked through his facebook friends I came across a girl who was dating him as well. So it saved me and I left that relationship. 

A womans intuition is a gut feeling you get that something is not right and you shouldnt ignore it. It can help us discover the truth, and avoid bad situations. 

Even if your are insecure, that intuition is like a bee at a bbq outside It will leave you alone. Evenually you have to do something about it. If you have trust issues, trust me I understand. Dont drive him away, give him a chance to prove himself. But if you think it, look into it. For example, something is off in your relationship investigate first. Dont look like a idiot and jump to conclusions. 

I am the king of facts. I recently met a guy who I thought was a good guy. The problem was he always called me when he was at work, or in the car. Never when he was at home. My bestie thought I was bugging, so I followed my intuition and he was full of shit.
Girls please dont think you are crazy following your intuition. Follow your gut feelings. Remember you know yourself better than anymore else.

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