Hold Your Clutch(Invest In Tons Of Clutch Bags)

Have you ever had a time where you were going to a concert or club and you didn't have a small enough bag to put your keys, and phone in. Well if so, let's change that. Give your bestie her clutch bag back and get your own. Get one small, but very bold and makes a statement. A little simple black dress, matched with a statement bold clutch will change the look of your entire outfit. You don't want to come to a club with a big handbag. For one security won't allow that, and second its going to be like carrying a baby all night. With a small clutch it keeps your hands light. Invest in tones of them. Don't put your money and phone in your bra all night. That's a hot, sweaty mess. Take a look at some of these statement piece clutch purses... Tip always keep a little slip or I'd in your clutch when going out. In case you lose it, or miss place it. The owners will be able to contact you. 

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